Friday, September 2, 2016

And It Starts - Our Homeschool Year 2016-2017

It's that time again. Time for homeschooling to start again! YAY!!!

I really love to teach my kids at home. I get to see them learn, learn along with them, and we're able to focus on problem areas and modify the learning for each child if needed, which is amazing.

Now there are days where I am absolutely certain there has to be some secret A.A. group for homeschool moms. I can see them hiding out in the bathroom with a flask during a "parent/teacher conference" while all sorts of pandemonium happens right outside the door.

"Mom! I can't find my pants!"

"He's touching me!"

"He stole my pencil!"

"He drew a penis on his workbook!"

"He farted and it smells so bad I can't think!"

"He hid my glasses!"

"Mom, how do you do addition again?"

"I know we just ate lunch 15 minutes ago, but I'm hungry!"


For the love of Peter Pan peanut butter, children!! Can Mom pee in peace?!

Peace. This is not a something the homeschool mom gets a lot of. Actually it's more of a fleeting thought she has when she's in mental hysterics and the house looks like a war zone.

So why do we do this insanity??? Well, there are various reasons.

Some are religious, some are because of bad experiences in the school system, some prefer more freedom in their routine for family time due to work schedules, some kids need more hands-on teaching than public school is able to provide. The list could go on and on. Everyone is different and has the freedom to choose what's best for their family.

No matter what the reason, you're on this journey with your family. Sometimes it's hard and you feel alone. And I have been there, done that. When we first began our homeschool journey 10 years ago, I didn't even have the Internet at my house. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA??? I KNOW!! I don't know how we managed to do it for the first few years sans the Interwebz. See, that's proof right there that I'm crazy. Nowadays if you're feeling alone you can search for a local homeschool group, seek out solidarity in social media groups, read homeschool blogs, and search Pinterest for ideas until your eyes fall right out of your head. Y'all, Pinterest is a boon! Yeah, it's a black hole, but a boon nonetheless. I mean, you had me at "free printable worksheets." Pinterest, you complete me.

Something there seems to be a lack of IMO are homeschool memes. So... I made some. Memes are my second language. (Pig Latin is my 3rd, in case you were wondering.) If I'm having a craptacular day, a meme of that situation will make me smile or laugh like a crazy woman on the brink of a Britney 2007 escapade. I'm not against shaving your head or chasing people down to bludgeon them with an umbrella, but you might end up in jail and I may not have enough bail money for everyone. And how are you going to continue your homeschool journey in an orange jumpsuit? 
So, my gift to you, the homeschool mom on the brink: Memes. Enjoy, laugh, cry. Just don't give up. From homeschooling veterans to the newest who have just joined the troops, you're not alone. Remember that. And we'll a;ways have Paris. Well, in this case, Paris is memes. So here's lookin' at you, kid. 



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