Monday, January 4, 2016

My Secret Plan (AKA Scheduling)

Ok, so it's not actually a secret. But it might be if you haven't heard me yammering on

and on...

and on...

and on about it, it's probably a secret to you. Seriously, it's a wonder I still have any friends.

"Shhhhhh!!! Don't ask the crazy lady anything about schedules! Or planners!"

I often get asked, "How do you do everything?"

Well, I don't do EVERYTHING, but I do like to lay out a schedule to "assign" duties to specific times. It's kind of like an Easter egg hunt for free time.

The really funny thing about this is how I used to ward off a schedule like a priest during an exorcism. I even bought a cross and some holy water.

Ok, so it's a piece of home decor and some Ozarka, but intention is everything, right?

This year, as I have mentioned, is the year of goals. The "get-er-done" time. The year of AWESOMENESS!! So I have to have a super awesome plan to punch this year in the face ala Mike Tyson. Which is where the mega schedule comes in.

It's okay, Mike. I'll explain.

Here it is... the Schedule of Doom, the Roadmap of the Ages, the Manifesto of Do Stuff...

Now before you tear up and start trying to have me committed, let me lay it all out for you. This consists of my personal schedule, my work schedule, and our homeschool schedule. And this is also has 23426 coinciding alarms on my iPod. Hard-core nerdiness, yo.

I started a 30 day Miracle Morning challenge today, so I had to figure out a way to fit that in. I already got up at 4:30 and occasionally 4:00, so I thought, "What the heck?" and we'll just leave that there. I wake up early because it's the only time outside of Pinteresting in the bathroom in 5 minute intervals I get to myself ALL. DAY. LONG.

I love my morning time. I kinda feel like I'm the only person in the world that's awake, I enjoy watching the sunrise, and I get to THINK without being constantly interrupted by something about Minecraft, someone screaming they have no pants because they didn't put them away, or having to yell over some sort of fart war because, hello! Boys! It's just me, my mind, and my BuJo getting ready to check boxes and make the day happen.

I have to admit, before I started thinking about schedules, I had just stopped reading for myself. If it wasn't cookbooks or schoolbooks, it wasn't happening. I didn't realize I had time. I DID have time, it was just dripping through my fingers. So now my Reading portion consists of entrepreneur books in the morning and I listen to audiobooks or podcasts while I do chores. Multi-tasking like a boss. Now that I see I have time to read, my book list is growing every day.

My motto: You never stop learning until you're dead. After that, I'm not sure. I hate to assume, cuz you know what they say about assuming.

I'm putting this into play tomorrow, so we will see how it goes. I'm both excited and scared. Maybe it will save me some gray hair. I sure wouldn't have my feelings hurt. I've got plenty as it is.

Ok, crazy lady out!

**Memes borrowed from Google Search.
**Crazy schedule and crazy lady pic straight outta my camera.


  1. I love your schedule, it's so detailed! I think I need to implement something similar so that I don't just plop on the couch when I get home from work.

    1. Thank you!! It definitely helps when you suffer from acute "DO ALL THE THINGS!" Let me know when you get yours set up! I'd love to see it. :)

  2. Ok. 1. You are awesome. 2. I'm there at 4 with you sister. 3. Minecraft is awesome! 4. Pants are overrated. 5.Bonus points for color coding.

    You got this. We got this. BOOM. Fist-bump. Drop da Mike.

    1. Thank you! Heck yeah!!! It's going to be epic!!! We got that BOOM BOOM POW!! We're going to make schedules what the cool kids are doing!

  3. Ok. 1. You are awesome. 2. I'm there at 4 with you sister. 3. Minecraft is awesome! 4. Pants are overrated. 5.Bonus points for color coding.

    You got this. We got this. BOOM. Fist-bump. Drop da Mike.
