Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Stepping Over the Threshold

Borrowed from Google Search

I cannot believe 2015 is almost over.

2015 started out slow and sloggy. Like walking through mud.

I was excited because I was desperate for changes, but had NO clue where they were coming from or how to make them happen.

I needed to change physically and mentally. My weight was at an all time high, and my outlook at a super low.

Our family needed to change financially and start heading toward a less stressful job situation.

Well, the job stress is always hit and miss. One of the joys of the oil field. You never know what's going to happen. To paraphrase a nursery rhyme, when it's good, it's very, very good, and when it's bad, it's horrid. Thankfully, we weren't hit by layoffs, but it's a crapshoot all the time.

Low gas prices = layoffs.

So while it's a blessing to not pay a zillion dollars to fill up, you do have to wonder if you'll have an income to pay for said gas in the near future. Adulting stinks some times.

This year I've been working very hard on gratitude. Appreciating the little things goes a long way when the shadows of responsibility encroach on your path. Be thankful for what you have, even if it isn't where you want to be.

2015 has made me feel empowered. How? Because I've done things I never thought I was capable of.

I've started 2 businesses.

I took control of my weight situation.

I took control of my mindset and my personal reactions to things that would have devastated me in the past.

I figured out how to make things work for me and to get rid of those that don't.

I've learned how to manage my time in a much more functional way.

All of this I'm carrying over into 2016, along with a new action plan to get where I want to be.

I've already talked a bit about my goals for 2016 here.  I'm feeling much more motivated and inspired going into 2016 than I did heading into 2015. And that is fantastic! I cannot wait to see what it brings!!

I am so motivated to step both feet over the threshold of 2016. We have big changes coming.

Home improvements.
New projects.
New accomplishments to tackle.
New days to punch in the face.

This quote really struck me, so I'll share it with you because you may need to hear it too.

"Change can be scary, but you know what's scarier? Allowing fear to stop you from growing, evolving, and progressing." - Mandy Hale

That is absolutely true. I'm usually not one to claim a word for the new year, but this year I have. My word for 2016 is "Fearless." That is my goal. Being fearless.

Realizing it's okay to change, okay to be flexible.
Realizing that the opinions of others do not pay my bills.
Realizing sitting back quietly in worry doesn't get things done.
Realizing that success is okay and I'm deserving of it.
Realizing it's okay to keep pushing forward when others are sitting still.


This word will be my wings, my fuel, and my fire for the upcoming year.

Are you looking forward to 2016? Do you have inspiration or a word that's your goal? I'd love to hear it.


  1. I love this! I haven't decided on my word yet. I'm leaning toward Joy. Or Strength. Or Freedom. LOL.

    I'm so glad I have you as my Fearless leader.

    1. I like your word choices!! I'm so glad to have you beside me while we blast through this year.

  2. Determined that's my word. I plan to kick 2016 a**,lol. My goals are set my plan is in action even as we rock 2015 on our.

    1. YES!!! You've already hit several of your goals and that is AWESOME!!!! I can't wait to see what you do for 2016!!
