Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday Favorites: Podcasts

Always being one of the first people to jump onto new things...

Ok... not so much. Seeing as we didn't get the Internet at this house until 2008, I didn't get a Facebook account until 2009, and I just got my 1st smartphone last May, I might be a 90+-year-old person inside who is semi-afraid of change.

I have discovered podcasts in the last few months. Well, that's not 100% true, I had ONE podcast that I listened to every time a new episode came out, but that was all of my knowledge on them. But now I'm fast on the road to podcast addiction.

I started out listening to The Simple Show. I always loved that podcast, even when it had another name. Tsh Oxenrider is a person I'd love to sit down with and pick her brain. She has all these fascinating thoughts on things. When she had Megan Tietz on her podcast and they were talking about Megan's new podcast, Sorta Awesome, I moseyed over there and checked it out.

HOLY MOLY. I fell in love. These ladies were like having my besties in my earbuds! I live in a house of dudes and needed some NOT dude noise and this was PERFECT. I'm even more excited for Friday to come now because I get to listen to my peeps! Even though I blame them totally for my addiction to Gilmore Girls. You wouldn't believe how the laundry gets done when I'm watching Gilmore Girls.

From Sorta Awesome, I heard about The Lively Show. This podcast is amazing. It covers all sorts of topics I'm interested in... bettering your blog, bettering yourself, capsule wardrobes (a whole blog post in itself), entrepreneurship, living the best life you can, being positive... It's just a cornucopia of awesomeness.

I've also found some super inspiring and motivational podcasts to help me learn skills to build my businesses...

Hal Elrod has a great one for reaching your goals. If you're reading The Miracle Morning books, this goes hand in hand with them.

School of Greatness always makes me feel like I'm about to go out on a football field and fierce it up.

Working Woman Entrepreneur is great to learn about having your own business, grab inspiration, and see how all these other moms do this adulting thing with success.

The Ziglar Show  and This is Your Life with Michael Hyatt  are new additions to my ever-growing list. I plan to check them out thoroughly very soon.

These I think of as my "guilty pleasure" podcasts...

Lore. Sweet fancy Moses, I love love LOVE this podcast! So fascinating, so creepy, so fantastic! Think of legends you've heard about your whole life - vampires, werewolves, elves, ghosts, wendigo - but hear history about them and decide what your stance is yourself. The worst part about these episodes is that they are shorter than I'd like and they only come out bi-monthly. I do not have this kind of patience. I need my Lore fix. Even my kids love it. Now I DO pre-screen the episodes before they listen because some are pretty disturbing, but this is one we listen to in the car regularly, even over and over.

The History Chicks. If you wanted to know more about historical women, this is the podcast for you. VERY interesting topics and the hosts crack me up with their banter.

The Slow Home is about how to live a meaningful life, simplify things, and take control of your life instead of life holding the reins. The hosts, Brooke and Ben McAlary, have a great chemistry and they're Australian, so you get to listen to some pretty great accents.

Pioneering Today. I'm always looking for new tips on homesteading and self-sufficiency and Melissa has some great and easy ideas to incorporate.

These are the podcasts I obsess over listen to regularly. So are you a podcast-aholic too or a newbie looking for something amazing to plug your ears into? I'd love it if you shared some of your favorites.

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