Friday, June 30, 2017

Things I'm Loving Right Now

**Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of these companies nor did they send me these things for free because I am the voice of the Interwebz. This is just stuff I have purchased that like and I'm telling you about it because I'm a nice person and you're super cool because you read this blog. Kthnxbai!!**


What better time to talk about all the fun things that are making me giddy right now. It's just a plethora of plunder!!

Since my gray hair is coming in like a freight train without brakes, I've had to change up my hair care routine. I mean, Einstein hair is okay, but when you want to look put together, it doesn't send out that message. Gray hair is rude. It just laughs at you. Dares you to try to make it do something. It's like having a teenager on your head. When you need it to do one thing, it does another and laughs at you. Gray hair, you're a jerk.


My hair is super fine and dry, but also super fickle. I can't use anything extremely oily or I look like I haven't seen a shower in a few months or that I'm possibly going to buff marble floors with my head at any minute. I gots more sheen than Charlie!!

So when I found something that worked without making me look like a wet cat, I was thrilled!!

These two little gems I found at Walmart. I use them after I get out of the shower and behold, glorious, sleek, shiny, and soft hairs. And it smells luscious too, if I do say so myself. **sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiff**

Yes, this picture is of my hair stuff on the bathroom floor.
Because I'm professional like that. 

And what is Summer without sandals?! A sad, sweaty, stank foot season, that's what. Ain't nobody got time for that. Living with a house full of dudes, the less stench, the better. From this blog to God's ear! **pulls out Febreeze and Odoban just in case**

I've killed several pairs of sandals this year, including my thoroughly abused, yet loved Born sandals. I had them for close to 10 years and they finally decided to retire. I wanted to cry!! So I had a shoe funeral for them which basically consisted of me telling them I loved them and they made me very happy, but they had to go since the straps were broken and unable to be repaired. Then I tossed them in the trash and had one of the kids take it out before I dug them back out to be unused shoe zombies in my closet. Because that may or may not have happened in the past.

Okay, okay.... so maybe it's happened several times. DON'T JUDGE ME!

So after reading all the sandal recommendations in the Sorta Awesome Hangout FB group, I decided I needed to upgrade to Reef flip flops. I found these at Academy and I'm loving them. Cute and comfy. Two big things in my book.
Then I ran across these at Sam's Club. They were the last pair and needed a home. I'm not one to say no to orphans, so I adopted them. Shoes, you now have a home. I loves yew.

When you have newly adopted orphan sandals, you need some cute nail polish to put on your toes, right? In my world you do. I found these Sinful Colors polishes at Big Lots and Walmart. Some are from the Kandee Johnson line. She's my favorite YouTuber and maybe I want to be her when I grow up.

I'm a sucker for color and being an extremely fair person, I need all the help I can get looking semi-tan. Some of these are matte, but I just throw a top coat on and matte be gone. Matte polish just looks weird to me. I wind up staring at it while I'm walking and run into walls and stuff. In case you didn't know, I am one heck of a smooth operator.

I'm currently wearing the mint one. You'll have to take my word for it because I'm not showing you my hairless Hobbit feet with gnome pinky toes out of courtesy. Yes, I am a good friend. You're welcome.

This next one is my favorite find so far - The Snarky Bar.

I have extremely dry skin, so I pretty much look like a lizard from the waist down. You can see scale-like patterns on my calves most days, even when I use lotion. It's very not sexy and itchy. Totally perfect for a certain awkward someone married close to 20 years trying to woo their husband. I am quite a catch. He is a lucky man. **brushes piles of dead skin away**

I was talking with one of my close friends and mentioned said scaliness and she told me about a bar of soap she had used and how it practically scrubbed all of her dead skin off in the shower. I was like, "WHOA! Sign me UP!!"


This is the best body scrub I have used EVER. And I've used loofa gloves, loofas, mesh body puffs, pumice stones (Yes, on my body. Yes, it hurt. No, I didn't care.), store bought body scrubs, homemade body scrubs... pretty much every kind of exfoliant I could find outside of taking a pack of sandpaper in the bathroom with me. Still lizard legged afterward. LAME!!

This thing... is AHHHMAAAZING!! I got the Sweet Breeze one.

It felt like I sandblasted myself in the shower. I'm not kidding, I was having an Herbal Essences moment scrubbing it on my hips. I probably should have been embarrassed, but I was just so amazed that I didn't look like Lady Vastra anymore I didn't care.

It smells fab and it's made in the USA with natural products if that's important to you. You can check out more of their products here. They also have a Passionfruit Coconut Oil I'm going to buy. It smells so good I get all Joey Tribbiani with myself. "How YOU doin'??" RAWR.


Moving on to lipsticks before this gets too awkward.

It's too late, isn't it?


I'm still in the process of figuring out my favorite Summer makeup looks. It's kind of hard to find one since Summer + Texas usually = melt your face off temps. That's not very conducive to wearing makeup. I did find these Burt's Bees lip crayons on Amazon that I'm really enjoying though. These have been my go-to for the last few weeks. I really like the nude color with a neutral lip liner. If I don't wear a slightly colored liner with a nude lip I look like this.

Not my best look.

Although my husband probably would enjoy that look from time to time, preferably when I'm in mid-rant about something he doesn't give a hoot about. We won't talk about how often that really is. This is why I make him pie. He earns that stuff. 

So these are a few of the things I'm loving right now. What cool summer stuff are you loving right now?? 

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