Thursday, January 19, 2017

Do You Set Yearly Goals?

I fully intended to have this post out two weeks ago, but we wound up partying with various plagues. One kid decided to get turnt up with Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease. So at this point, it looks like we're done with germ raves for the time being. Thank you, tiny 8 lbs. 6 oz. Baby Jesus!

I prefer to call them goals rather than resolutions. Goals just seem more doable. Resolutions are notoriously kicked under the rug and given up on, but goals... that word just sounds more approachable.

I love setting goals. Yeah, I'm weird. But seriously, who doesn't like a road map of their year, month, or week? I like plans. Planners and plans go hand in hand. Heh. Corny, but true.

So I'm one of those people who wrote goals and set a word for the year. Why? Because ALL THE GOALS AND GOALY THINGS!!

My word for 2016 was "Fearless." I really liked and NEEDED that word. It wasn't a cushy, snuggly, comfort word, it was one that would peek around the corner at me and give me hard stares and snarky comebacks when I tried to second guess myself. Which is like ALL THE TIME on some things. "Fearless" encouraged me to be myself and not worry about people thinking I'm weird and over the top. I mean, I AM, but "Fearless" gave me the guts to not worry about it, accept myself for me, and not over analyze. "Fearless" pushed me forward to do things I wouldn't normally do, like showcase my dorkiness via video on my Facebook page, talk about things I normally wouldn't talk about, and push myself in my business.

"Fearless" wasn't a meek mistress. No, she was the no-nonsense voice mocking me, "You're seriously scared of THAT?! LAAAAAAME!" That scoff earned her the stink-eye a few times, but even though I was muttering curses under my breath, I would drag myself out of my comfort zone and do it. I feel much more confident in many areas because of "Fearless."

I went through 6 or 7-word choices before I finally settled on "Grow" for 2017. It seemed so demure compared to "Fearless," so...Meh until I really thought it all out. "Grow" is a pretty powerful little word to have only 4-letters and it's a 4-letter word you can actually use in polite company. Winning!!

Here's how I plan to "Grow":

"Grow" is going to be my fertilizer for my other goals.
Something about that doesn't sound quite right, BUUUUT I'm going with it anyway.

Personal growth is a big one for me this year. I'm really wanting to read more, learn a new skill, work on my appearance at home, keep my kitchen clean, and work on self-care. Here's a peek at my personal goals for this year. Yep, it's in my planner, along with my reading list.

The whole "work on appearance at home" has been pretty laughable so far. That's definitely one I need to focus on. I blame the revolving door of cooties. You don't really care how you look when you're BFFs with the toilet or tending sick off-spring. Honestly, when I wear "real" clothes, I feel more competent, more confident, motivated, and I know J would like to see a wife that actually resembles the person he asked to marry him 17 years ago. Gotta keep that marriage spark a-flamin', you know. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

I've also put learning to knit on the back burner too, but that's going to change. I've got my needles, yarn, and tutorial videos all ready for me to sit down and do it. BOOM! Needles ahoy!!

I've also been not so hot about blogging (DUH!!!!!) and trying new recipes. I need to go through the 50 bajillion recipes I've pinned and pull out some things to try out. I'm also considering getting an Instapot in the hopes that it will help pull me out of the cooking rut.

Now I HAVE done great with using what I have in my planner stash and not buying more. That's probably because the majority of the Michael's planner aisle made it's way to my house over the last few weeks of 2016. I still count it a win.

That's where I am with goals for the time being. Anybody else have goals or One Word for 2017? I'd love to hear them. 

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